- IB Diploma Course Companion: Economics Second Edition: Jocelyn Blink and Author Ian Dorton ISBN: 978-0-19-918499-6 Publication Date: April 2011 (estimated) OUP
- Economics from a Global Perspective: Alan Glanville ISBN: 0952474654 Glanville books
- Economics in terms of the Good, the Bad and the Economist: Mattt McGheeISBN: 978-1-876659-22-6 IBID press
- Economics for the IB Diploma: Ellie Tragakes, ISBN-10: 0521744342 ISBN-13: 978-0521744348 Cambridge University Press
Supplementary books
- Banker to the poor: the story of the Grameen bank: M. Yunus ISBN: 0143102915
- The end of poverty: J. Sachs ISBN 0141018666
- Studies in Economics and Business: Markets and Market Failure: ISBN 9780435330507 Heinemann
- Studies in Economics and Business: Supply Side Policies: ISBN 9780435330477 Heinemann
- Studies in Economics and Business: Development Economics: ISBN 9780435330484 Heinemann
- AP Economics,(answers)John S Morton 3rd edition ISBN1-56183-568-4 Activities, worksheets, quantitative(American curriculum ,be selective, consists of student worksheet)
- Economics-John Sloman ISBN978-0273655749 (teacher ref)
- Economics student workbook -John Sloman ISBN 978-0273705178 (quantitative exercises)
- Everlasting light bulbs: how economics illuminates the world JHN ISBN 978-0954809300 (quick illustrations of economic concepts)
- Undercover Economist Oxford University Press ISBN13-978-0195189773
Revision guides
- Economics HL Approach your exams the IB way: Blink and Dorton ISBN 9781906345129
- Economics SL Approach your exams the IB way: Blink and Dorton ISBN 9781906345136
- IB Study Guide: Economics for the IB Diploma: C Ziogas ISBN: 9780199152285
Online resources
- www.dineshbakshi.com huge collection of revision notes, interactive quizzes and other resources for teachers and students
- http://www.peteranthony.org/
- http://vimeo.com/16626088? Site with lots of very short videos, including form the world bank (international and development)
- https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html Interactive you “fix the budget activity” (macro)
- http://www.econtalk.org/archives.html 1 hour podcasts
- http://econblog.aplia.com/ News for Economics students with questions
- http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_detail.php?siteId=94411890 US national public radio podcasts for Planet Money
- http://welkerswikinomics.wetpaint.com/ Jason Welker’s student wiki on the IB Economics course
- http://www.cosmolearning.com/economics/videos/ Online economics videos
- http://data.worldbank.org/ Data bank of economic and development indicators
- http://www.gapminder.org/world/#;example=75; Data site: graphing and videos
- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EconStories#grid/uploads Fun but informative rap songs about economics!
- http://www.bized.co.uk/learn/economics/index.htm Learning material for IB Economics
- http://www.ecb.int/ecb/educational/html/index.en.html European Central Bank: Info on monetary policy, short videos plus the Economia interactive game.
- Online Tools
- http://groups.diigo.com/group/econ-teachersOnline bookmarking group that posts articles relate to Economics
- www.Diigo.com You can set up your own groups of bookmarked articles
- www.Mindmeister.com Online collaborative mind maps (paying)
- http://docs.google.com Allows sharing of, and collaboration on, documents and PowerPoints.
- http://www.netvibes.com/ Personalized home pages that collate your RSS feeds from new sites
- http://www.aplia.com/
Teacher resource packs
- AS/A2 International Economics Teacher Resource Pack: B Ellis ISBN: 9780860033608 Hodder Education
- Friday Afternoon Economics A-Level Resource Pack + CD Author: Ruth Tarrant ISBN: 9780340966624 Hodder Education
Economics Review (quarterly for 16-18 year olds): http://www.philipallan.co.uk/economicreview/index.htm